System of government: republic
Administrative division: 115 islands, 23 administrative regions
Area: 455 km2
Population: 82,247 (2008)
Capital: Victoria (35,000 inhabitants)
Highest point: Morne Seychellois, 905 m
Official language: Creole, English, French
Currency: Seychellois rupee (1 Seychellois rupee = 100 cents)
Public holiday: 5 June (Liberation Day, 1977)
Racial and ethnic groups: Creole (89%), Indian (5%), Malagasy (3%), Chinese (2%), English (1%)
Religion: Roman Catholicism (91%), Anglican (7%), Hinduism (1%), other (1%)

Time zone: SY
International Vehicle Registration: SY
Internet TLD: .sc
Calling code: +248
Electricity: 240 V
Travel documents and visa: passport
Embassy: Territorially appropriate embassy:
Embassy in Nairobi/Kenya:
Milimani Road, Nairobi, Kenya, P.O.BOX 30204,
Phone: +254 20 / 2721896

Home to giant tortoises and Love Nuts


Fine sandy beaches washed by the Indian Ocean, luxuriant jungles full of exotic plants and animals: these are the beauties of Seychelles admired already by Arabian merchants. First Europeans to debark here were the Portuguese in the 16th century. The islands were under French and British colonial rule for years and gained independence as late as 1976.

If you like to use vanilla and cinnamon in the kitchen, maybe the very same you’re using originates in Seychelles. More than by their export you’ll be captivated by Seychellois fauna and flora. The islands are home to the largest world population of giant tortoises and to the symbol of the islands: Seychellois palms with 20-kilo fruits. These are the reason why Seychelles are listed among UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Seychellois island Praslin is the only place on Earth where they grow. The locals also call them “Love Nuts” and regard them as a powerful aphrodisiac. And not only because they resemble a woman’s lap.

While you’ll be enjoying the beauties of Seychelles and top-quality service, beware of higher temperatures. In the tropical zone near equator daytime temperatures ranging between 24 and 30 degrees are not unusual. Monsoon rains and trade wind from the northwest bring moisture between November and February. The islands are located away from the zone of tropical storms, so you can enjoy your holiday in peace and quiet with only as much adrenaline as you like.