System of government: socialist republic
Administrative division: 63 provinces, 17 districts and 3 municipalities
Area: 329,560 km2
Population: 86,116,559 (2008)
Capital: Hanoi (2,154,900 inhabitants, with the agglomeration of 3,100,000 inhabitants)
Other important cities: Ho Chi Minh City, Haiphong, Hue, Danang
Highest point: Phan Si Pan/Ngoc Ling, 3,143 m
Most important rivers: Mekong
Official language: Vietnamese
Currency: Vietnamese dong (1 dong = 10 hao = 100 xu)
Neighbors: China, Laos, Cambodia
Public holiday: 2 September (Independence Day)
Racial and ethnic groups: Vietnamese (85%), Thai (2%), Tho (2%), Chinese (2%), Khmer (1%), other (8%)
Religion: Buddhism (55%), Catholic (7%), other (38%)
Time zone: Slovakia +5
Administrative division: 63 provinces, 17 districts and 3 municipalities
Area: 329,560 km2
Population: 86,116,559 (2008)
Capital: Hanoi (2,154,900 inhabitants, with the agglomeration of 3,100,000 inhabitants)
Other important cities: Ho Chi Minh City, Haiphong, Hue, Danang
Highest point: Phan Si Pan/Ngoc Ling, 3,143 m
Most important rivers: Mekong
Official language: Vietnamese
Currency: Vietnamese dong (1 dong = 10 hao = 100 xu)
Neighbors: China, Laos, Cambodia
Public holiday: 2 September (Independence Day)
Racial and ethnic groups: Vietnamese (85%), Thai (2%), Tho (2%), Chinese (2%), Khmer (1%), other (8%)
Religion: Buddhism (55%), Catholic (7%), other (38%)
Time zone: Slovakia +5
International Vehicle Registration: VN
Internet TLD: .vn
Calling code: +84
Electricity: 110/220 V
Travel documents and visa: passport and visa
Embassy of the Czech Republic:
13 Chu Van An Str.
Tel.: 845 4131
Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic:
28 bis Mac Dinh Chi Str., Dist.
Ho Chi Minh City
Between the North and the South
In the northern Vietnam Hoang Lien Son Range also known as Tonkin Alps, with the elevation between 1,000 and 1,500 meters above sea level, is located. Wild but beautiful Annamite Range stretches across the central part of the country; towards the south the land flattens out into fertile plains, where rice is cultivated in the rivers’ deltas.
Tropical plantations provide a rich harvest of coffee, tea, banana, pineapple and spices. Don’t forget to enjoy local harvest during your visit at one of the local markets. Traditional Vietnamese cuisine is full of oriental aroma and seafood. The way it is served will delight not only your taste buds, but also your sight.
Vietnam is not only a country of various forms, but also of varied temperatures – in the northern mountains temperatures fall almost to freezing point, in the fertile, lowland south they rise to 40 degrees. Winter monsoon between October and March brings cold and humid winter to the north, whereas warm and humid weather prevails in the south.
Ancient paradise still hidden from the crowds of visitors, and yet with excellent service set as a standard norm. This is Vietnam, a country, where you can rest your eyes on endless rice fields, where the scent of exotic food made from local ingredients warms your nose up and where the natural power of the Red River will earn your admiration.
In the northern Vietnam Hoang Lien Son Range also known as Tonkin Alps, with the elevation between 1,000 and 1,500 meters above sea level, is located. Wild but beautiful Annamite Range stretches across the central part of the country; towards the south the land flattens out into fertile plains, where rice is cultivated in the rivers’ deltas.
Tropical plantations provide a rich harvest of coffee, tea, banana, pineapple and spices. Don’t forget to enjoy local harvest during your visit at one of the local markets. Traditional Vietnamese cuisine is full of oriental aroma and seafood. The way it is served will delight not only your taste buds, but also your sight.
Vietnam is not only a country of various forms, but also of varied temperatures – in the northern mountains temperatures fall almost to freezing point, in the fertile, lowland south they rise to 40 degrees. Winter monsoon between October and March brings cold and humid winter to the north, whereas warm and humid weather prevails in the south.