Area: 513,115 km2
Population: 65,493,298 (2008)
Capital: Bangkok/Krung Thep (5,647,800 inhabitants)
Other important cities: Nanthaburi, Songhla, Nakhom Ratchasima
Highest point: Doi Inthanon (2,595 m)
Most important rivers: Menam, Mekong
Official language: Thai
Currency: Thai baht (1 baht = 100 satang)
Neighbors: Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia
Public holiday: 5 December (King’s birthday)
Racial and ethnic groups: Thai nationalities – Siam, Shan, Lao (80%), Chinese (12%), Malay (4%), Khmer (3%), other (1%)
Religion: Buddhism (94.8%), Islam (4%), Christian (0.6%), other (0.6%)

Time zone: Slovakia +6
International Vehicle Registration: TH
Internet TLD: .th
Calling code: +66
Electricity: 220 V
Travel documents and visa: passport and visa
Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Bangkok:
Embassy of the Slovak Republic
No. 21/144, South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 101 20, Thailand
Phone: 00662/677 3445-6

The land of the smiles and free people


Thailand will win your favor not only by its beautiful nature, but also by the locals always wearing smiles on their faces and being known for their unflagging hospitality. The reason for this is the fact that the Kingdom of Thailand is the only country in the Southeastern Asia which has never been colonized. Up to 1932 it was known as Siam, today’s name symbolizes its history – we can translate it literally as “a country of free people”.

Mountains stretching across the north and northwest of the country also seem to be free and wild. The romantic scenery of virginal jungles and coconut groves is completed by fertile lowlands with the local producers of rice, jute, cotton, rubber, sugar cane or sesame. In the cities varied life full of colors and exotic delicacies is waiting for you. Local parks inviting you to relax, Buddhist sanctuaries, Chinese temples, but also European churches – Everyone can find their cup of tea in this Thai diversity.

The ideal time to visit this beautiful free country is between November and April. Sun’s rays are intensive throughout the year, the temperatures vary in three tropical seasons – monsoon season is a rainy season lasting from May to October with the average temperature of 32 degrees. Dry, colder period lasting from October to March is characterized by evening temperatures ranging from 26 to 30 degrees. And finally, hot and dry season lasts from March to May. The temperatures rise to 35-40 degrees; the nights are warm and the temperatures fall to 24-26 degrees in the morning in this time of the year.